Tuesday, August 23, 2005

I'll see your bet and raise you $100,000

Okay, I'm really tired this morning. I have found partypoker.com and now I am hooked. I have been staying up late every night getting a few hands in. I know what you are thinking, they get you drawn in with the free version and then they get you to move over to the "real money" games. Well not me. Could I be tempted to bet a little online poker? Maybe, but I'm pretty tight. While I could consider myself a gambler (I never buy extended warranties, I usually just run liability insurance, I buy slightly used cars, you get the picture (I'm tight)) I like the real life drama of good poker. These clowns online don't care if they bet it all and loose it, they just get more "play money" and get back in. Last night, I started with $2000 and in 25 minutes I had over $100,000. (remember this is play money) I was on my last hand before I was going to quit and eat supper. I had a GREAT hand and I knew that there wasn't much that could beat it. I went all in and guess what, there was something better out there. I guess that's good because my desires to play with real money no longer exist.

As most of you know, I am from Nashville so I thought I would add some local links. Of course you have www.nashvilleistalking.com which is a part of News2.

I also found a neat webcam. This one is on the Lipscomb University campus. It's not as neat as it once was. When it first started, you could really see a big change. You would check it and see a big pile of dirt. You would get busy and when you looked at your computer a few minutes later, the dirt pile would be gone, and just a couple of trucks setting there. Pretty cool!

Check out Kim's website. She always have a tip of the day /site of the day. Some are not that great, but the ones that are are well worth bookmarking.

Oh, one more. Check out ebay auction 7176908813 . I need this to decorate the yard. Plus, think of the money I can save by not going to the zoo. NOTE: For the lazy people, I cannot guarantee how long this link will be active, SO DON"T WAIT TOO LONG! Again, that was only for the lazy people.

Have a great day, and we will see you tomorrow.


Blogger Rae said...

I bet the zebra would get better gas mileage than your car!

4:43 AM  

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