Friday, October 28, 2005

www (World Wide Web or Wild Wiggles Weekend)

What a week! I decided I need to update my Blog (after comments like "Hey, good blog, but I'm tired of reading it 4 days in a row".

My Parents went to Gatlinburg to see the fall colors but were pleasantly suprised. Check out a few of the picture of what they found. (BTW - They took the convertible to get one more nice trip before winter).

Well, part of being a parent is seeing your kids happy. We (the "family") are going tonight to see the Wiggles. They are a rock band from "Down Under" that never made it big, so they changed directions and became an instant hit. Sure, I've taken some ribbing from my friend, but hey it's better than that stupid purple dinosaur.

What happens on eBay when you want something more than anyone else.... You end up with it. I bought another truck off ebay that I have to go and get this weekend. I don't really need it, but I can make a nice profit off of it. It's all about being at the right place at the right time.

Have a great weekend.


Check out Snopes and their Halloween Legends page

The Guide - Check out this online guide to your television programing. - Neil gives me a great idea on how to mess with Telemarketers

Monday, October 24, 2005

It will wax out, trust me!

Okay, I thought I was really coming up with a GREAT Blog entry last Friday. I decided to list 10 reasons why Rae needed a minivan. WELL, 5 hours later Brent decided to really show me up. He (and his friend that he met on the highway) just ruined my blog entry (along with a very nice Expedition). I would have probably ruined more than that (aka shorts).
I'm just glad to hear that everyone is allright. I guess the large SUV's do have an advantage!

Well, I had a great weekend, it just wasn't long enought. I found my new favorite restaurant. It's Joe's Crab Shack (just south of Nashville). I had seen the sign but never tried it. It's that loud music, decorated with junk, great seafood place like you always try to find while you are at the beach. Well, now I can have it at home too. They were playing 80's music and I was naming the songs before they started actually singing. My wife was really impressed (okay, I made that part up).

Saturday was another great day. I was able to do some of the things that I had talked about last Friday. I started out with my Heavy coat on but it warmed up quickly and turned out to be an awesome day.

I was looking in storage for some items and I came across some of my old toys. I found some items that I had forgot about but they quickly brought back memories. I will try to post up some pictures and see if anyone else remembers these items.

Until next time, everyone stay safe and look both ways before you cross the street.


Is your blog site being stolen?


Friday, October 21, 2005

9 Reasons why my Rae should get a minivan

I'm A: Bear Cub!

bear cubBears are strong and independent creatures who roam in the forest in search of food. Bears are usually gentle, but anger one and be prepared for their full fury! You're big, you're tough, you won't back down from a fight, you have a bit of a temper -- classic attributes of a bear. Intelligent and resourceful, though lazy at times, you are a fascinating creature of the wild.

You were almost a: Puppy or a Parakeet
You are least like a: Chipmunk or a MouseWhat Cute Animal Are You?

So, looks like we made it through another week! I am so glad the weekend is finally here, but I could use one more weekend with temps in the 80's. I like the cooler weather (not 100 degree days) but the winters are just not my thing. I have too many outdoor/convertible/4 wheeler/swimming/ect hobbies and summer time is just better for me. My theory is, I like winter but if I want to see snow, I'll get on a plane and go see snow. Lots of snow!

I was reading Rae's post for the day and she made a comment on how she would never ever own a minivan. I have said that many times my self (and we still don't own a minivan) BUT have you ridden in a new one. They are really nice. I guess so many people are buying them, they are putting a lot of efforts into improving them. I thought I would see how many reason that I could come up with as to why Rae needs a mini van.

1. I guess number 1 would have to be gas mileage. We took a 2004 Quest to Florida and we got over 25 mpg going and 24.6 for the entire trip. That included driving around once we got there. That was with 5 people, and lots and lots of luggage. The AC was on the entire time and I saw speeds that hit 90 at one time. 25 mpg in a 7 passenger vehicle is pretty good.

2. The minivans are being designed to catered to the kids. But because of this they are coming out with the coolest DVD and entertainment systems. I like the idea of entertaining as much as possible. It keeps the "are we there yet" down from the backseats.

3. The engineering on these vans are impressive. They are getting the new ones where the seats fold down flat into the floor. This gives you a cargo van in just seconds. Imagine all of the bikes / camping gear / Pippin and his friends / groceries / or whatever you could haul.

4. Maintence cost are greatly reduced. Tires and other replacable items are much smaller, so the cost is less.

5. Insurance cost is less. Not too much street racing / 4 wheeling is done in a minivan. Is that why the cost is less. I have no idea, but I assume that's true.


Okay, I need help on the next 4. Give me your ideas. While your at it, see if you can convience me why I need a minivan (actually why my wife needs a minivan. I'm too cool to drive one on a daily bases).

Have a great day.

Random links

I do work and here's the proof

Somewhat Useful webpage

(OK, I actully bought it at AutoZone, but it works good)

Monday, October 17, 2005

Rules of Life

What a great weekend we just had. It was both warm enough during the day to get out and enjoy the sunshine but the evenings were cool enough to let you know that fall is on the way. I am usually very motivated this time of the year. A cool spell tells me that it I am going to do things before winter gets here, (like close the pool, finish some outside painting projects, landscaping, riding 4 wheelers... ) I need to do them know.

I am in the process of writing the "rules of life". This is an on-going process, but I add on occasionally.

Here are a few that I have:

1. It's better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.
2. If you can't find it, that's the same as not having it. (You can only keep so much stuff and keep it organized)
3. ALWAYS keep your pants (and your gun) where you can find them in the dark.

My newest one: The best deals on eBay are "misspelt". (This came about when I couldn't understand why a particular item was so much cheaper than others on eBay. I realized the they had misspelled a keyword in the name (it was a video game)).

I will add more later

Ramdon link for the day:

Have a great week!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Great time to live in TN

Yeah, we all complain about the hot muggy summers and the winters where we don't get snow but instead we get ice. Okay it ocasionally snows but the wet, slick snow soon becomes a messy slush on the roadways.

With all that said, Spring and Fall is Awesome here in Tennessee. Within a few hours drive of here you can be in a lot of georgous locations. I love going to the Smokey Mountains while the leaves are changing. We have also tried Chattanooga. It's pretty but the views all include too much commercial property.

We had a great weekend. We attended the local carshow and really had a great time. I got to see some old friends (car guys from all over the state showed up) that I haven't seen in years. Some of them, I have known but have never met until last weekend.

My little boy had a great time and really loves the old cars. He likes to help get them cleaned up (okay, he likes to play in the water!).

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Oktoberfest is almost here

Well, it's been over a week since I last blogged. I both enjoyed the break and I also missed the interaction. (I guess I still had interaction from all my friends saying "you're not doing much" or "Hey Watch What?" and so on).

Wow, it looks like my Sister-In-Law had an exciting birthday. Too much excitement for me. I need to conserve energy at my age. LOL.

Is anyone watching The Office on NBC? I skipped the first few episodes because I couldn't get into it. I tried watching it but the show doesn't even have a laugh track. I was encouraged to watch it by Barry and not I will not miss it. You first have to learn the characters. There is a jerk boss (yeah, we've all had one), the suck up (there's lots of people like this but he acts just like one particular ex-coworker). There's the guys that is shy except when the boss is out and they are having their game day (Brandon Wood). The list goes on and on, but if you get a chance to watch it, give it a shot.

What about the Apprentice? I think the Martha one is okay, but it's hard for me to apply it to my life. I want to be a real estate tycoon but I really don't have a desire to open a flower and gift shop. I guess I will just stick to the Thursday night version with Trump.

How many poker shows can they have on TV? I'm not really complaining because I usually watch them unless something better is on (like Dog the bounty hunter or the Andy Griffith show). I am trying to be a better poker player. I am having a hard time of deciding when to bluff and when to use logic and play the odds based on the cards that I have. I still play several hands per night at Party

Nothing much else going on. We are getting ready for Oktoberfest this weekend. There is a huge car show and we usually carry 2 or 3 cars. Last weekend we got the old hotrod out and got it tuned up. It usually draws a large crowd of people that actually remember it from the 50's and 60's.

Thanks Brent for the link (I already had 3 hits) LOL! I will put in a random link for you and the other runners (or hikers).

I promise I will try to do a better job of keep up in the near future.

Some Random links:

Local (This one's for you Brother).

My type of exercise - and I'm pretty good

The things that you wanted to know about search engines but were afraid to ask.